Boise Tuesday Musicale BTM Awards Audition Information

BTM Awards Audition Information

Teachers registering students for the awards audition must be members of Boise Tuesday Musicale.

Students must have been adjudicated live (no video festival performances accepted for awards) in either the Fall or Spring Boise Tuesday Musicale NFMC Festival and received a superior rating in a solo (E1 or above) or concerto event on the same instrument as auditioning for this award.

Students will play live for this event.  There will be no video submissions or make-up days.  Registration fees are non-refundable.

Winners of this year’s awards will be required to participate in a 2024 – 2025 BTM Fundraising event of their choice. Winners who do not participate in a fundraising event for BTM will not be eligible to compete the following year.

Students age 11 and under: will be eligible to receive awards of $50 to $100. They will be required to play two pieces of contrasting style in 5 minutes or less, and must have played on the EI level or above in Festival.

Students age 12 to 14: will be eligible to receive awards of $100 to $300. They will be required to play two pieces of contrasting style in 6 minutes or less, and must have played on the MDI level or above for piano or M or above for other instruments in Festival.

Students age 15 to 19: will be eligible to receive awards of approximately $200 to $600. They will be required to play two pieces of contrasting style in 8 minutes or less, and must have played on the DI level or above in Festival.​Judges may choose to hear only one piece if time is limited, but two pieces must be prepared. Memorization is required for both pieces and the score for each work must be provided for the judges. 

Please provide your own accompanist as needed. Selections may come from the Junior Festival Bulletin, but it is not a requirement. Pianists should not play concertos.

​Judges do not give written evaluations. Winners will be notified in a timely manner. All decisions are final. Award checks will be made out directly to the winning student and sent by mail to the teacher for distribution.

Contact Irina Albig