Boise Tuesday Musicale Vivace Information

Vivace Information

Vivace is NFMC’s new Festival database and registration software which BTM will implement in time for Spring 2023 Festivals. Teachers whose membership dues are paid for the current year will be given access to this system through their own personal user account. This account will be where you list your participating students and their repertoire. You will also pay festival fees through this program. It is truly a “one-stop-shop” for all of our Festival needs, streamlining our processes and saving our wonderful volunteers hours of work! Access will be granted by your Festival Area Chairperson. Piano area Spring Festivals are divided by teacher’s zip codes. If you participate in both Fall and Spring Festival, access to Fall will also be in your user account once you gain access through your Spring area chair person. Please contact your area chair to receive your individual user account.

Vice President in charge of FESTIVALS: Halimah Brugger (General Questions)

Instrumental: Luann Fife

​Vocal: Gayle McKee

PIANO East and South (83702, 83703, 83706, 83712, 83716, 83705, 83709, 83634, 83642): Bronwen Godfrey

PIANO West/Central/North ( 83616, 83644, 83646, 83669, 83687,83704, 83713, 83714 ): 

Jennifer Black

Need help? We’ve got you covered! For instructional videos and written tutorials on all things Vivace, click here!

Still need Help?? (In case of extreme emergency only!) contact Melissa Warnick, our regional Vivace onboarding coach.